Welcome to the Nursing Professional Development Certification (NPD-BC) Review Resource Center, your online guide to preparing for the Nursing Professional Development Certification Exam (NPD-BC). Here you will find access to a variety of resources to help you as you prepare to take the Nursing Professional Development Certification Exam (NPD-BC).
The NPD-BC review course provides a comprehensive and up-to- date review of nursing professional development based on the nursing professional development exam content outline. Participants receive information that will not only promote certification exam success but will also enhance clinical nursing practice.
Session 1: Exam Overview and Test Taking
Session 2: Leadership
Session 3: Educational Process Standards
Session 4: Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Standards
Session 5: Evidence-Based Practice and Research
Session 6: Technology
Session 7: Program/Project Management and Process Improvement
Dr Louise Jakubik is the Chief Executive and Learning Officer of Nurse Builders, a nursing education company that develops nurses across their career from novice to expert using 4 digital solutions for NCLEX prep, specialty orientation, continuing education, and certification review. Louise has served in a variety of NPD roles for almost 30 years including unit-level, department-level, and now as the Accredited Provider Program Director (APPD) for Nurse Builders NPD provider unit. She is a nurse executive and entrepreneur whose life’s work is dedicated to equipping nurses for success. She is a nursing career and workforce development expert as well as a national speaker, consultant, author, and publisher with over 70 book titles. Louise has held certification in NPD for almost 30 years and is published in Nursing Professional Development topics. Notably, she is among only 5 nurses in the world who hold both the credentials certified speaker professional (CSP) from the National Speakers Association (NSA) and Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN), the highest international recognition for professional speakers and for those demonstrating an extraordinary impact to improve health and healthcare, respectively. In this NPD-BC Review Course, Louise brings practical insights and information, along with a genuine desire to elevate attendee’s NPD practice and support their journey to certification.
Live course contact hours: 7.5 hours
E-course contact hours: 7.5 hours
For Nurses Outside of Florida and California: Nurse Builders is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
For Florida and California Nurses: Nurse Builders is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (provider #15118) and the Florida Board of Nursing (provider #50-9679).
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