Session 1: Exam Overview and Test Taking
Session 2: Pregnancy, Birth Risk Factors and Complications
Session 3: Maternal Postpartum Assessment, Management and Education
Session 4: Maternal Postpartum Complications
Session 5: Newborn Assessment and Management
Session 6: Newborn Complications
Kellie Kainer, DNP, RNC-NIC, C-ELBW, C-ONQS, NE-BC, CNML is an expert clinician, educator, and leader in maternal and neonatal nursing. She has spent nearly 20 years caring for mothers and babies in one the nation’s largest and top ranked maternal and children’s hospitals both at the bedside and as an operational leader. Kellie is active in both AWHONN and NANN and has presented several times at both national conventions. She is passionate about the most vulnerable in our care and shares her clinical and administrative expertise coordinating care of mothers and babies. In this review course, Kellie will provide a thorough maternal and newborn nursing content review to prepare participants for the RNC-MNN exam. Kellie will both educate and inspire you to be successful in obtaining your certification.
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